Thursday, April 21, 2005

The S Word

If any of my old English professors read my blog they'd probably die from horror. THERE WILL BE NO CRITIQUING OF MY GRAMMAR, USAGE, SYNTAX, AND SPELLING. lol. I'll make that my only official blog rule. Oh, except the other rule that I'm always right. ; ) Just kidding.

I'm sure tired tonight, but I'm not ready for bed. It was a long day. I need some 'me' time to unwind. I'm having an inner debate on whether I have the energy to rant or not.. I do. Ok, so I had to stop by work this morning for a minute to pick some stuff up from a co-worker. She's quite the proper lady, and I usually try to be very professional in the work area. I mind my p's and q's, I'm P.C., I watch my language, I'm genuine, I work hard... etc. However, I like to swear. On occasion, little things slip out. Nothing big, no F-bombs.. just little damns and hells. Ok, so... I'm talking to another co-worker, I didn't think anyone else was around and I said "shit." Co-worker number one was around and she had something to say about that... and she was right. I was in the work place, I'm paid to act a certain way, and I have no problem with that. Mostly though, she was just teasing me. She's a nice lady and I like her.

During her teasing lecture, she suggested I get in the habit of using other words instead of swear words. Like "shoot" or "crap." They don't offend anyone, I don't get in trouble by the boss, there are a thousand bonuses and only upsides if I take her advice. The question I have though... what is the difference between shit and crap? lol. This blog is going to be crass.. but I guess it can't be helped because of the subject matter. Really though, what is the difference? They both have the same literal meaning, right? Mostly though, when one says either of those words they are not referring in any way to feces. It's just an expression of "well, that wasn't good" or something similar. So, if two words have the exact same meaning no matter how you use them... why is one perfectly acceptable and the other offensive? Who decided shit was a swear word anyway? Why can't they say that on TV? lol.

There are a bazillion different euphemisms like that anyway... Does anyone know people who are fond of saying "freakin' A"? Any questions where that is derived? Yet if the hordes of people that used that went around saying it in its original context, we'd have mouths open in disgust everywhere. What about: dang, gosh, gosh darnit, H E double toothpicks.. this list could go on for days. Aren't all of those simply a substitute for other words? Same meaning, same slang, same emphasis, everything. What if I was talking about the Jazz game tonight, and said "they totally got screwed, the refs weren't fair"? Other than the fact I'm talking about the Jazz, it's not offensive in the least, right? What if I substituted another word (you know, the real bad one) for screwed? How many would be offended then? I really just don't understand it for the most part.
I have only one real soft spot for those who are offended by cursing, and it is something I always try not to do because I can see how it could offend someone. Taking God's name in vain. That, can be offensive to the very core of people's beliefs and I think we should all be respectful of that in public. The rest of the 'swear words,' I don't give a damn about. But why is saying gosh ok again? Anyone know? lol.

My last part of this topic.... What comes to mind when some one says to you -and yes I mean this literally- "the 'S' word"? Doesn't it invoke the thought of the very word you are trying to avoid? What is the point of that?

Well, it's late and some of my angst is gone because of how tired I am. ::shakes angry fist:: It just rubs me wrong whenever I hear the word heck. If one is immoral the other is immoral. What's that old saying? A rose by another name is still a rose? Probably not right, but you get the jist of it.


Blogger Geo said...

Good points, DogMan. I will be listening to myself a little harder from now on to check my word-choices and I'm definitely giving up "razzbazz"!

P.S. Thanks to you, I cut and pasted some bits from my personal journal, to get myself blogging again. Credit where credit is due, hey?

4/21/2005 12:22 PM  
Blogger Dogman said...

For the life of me I can't think of a correlation of razzbazz to any other word. lol. I certainly didn't mean to be critcal of anyone in particular... just an observation. I can't wait to go read some more on your blog!

4/21/2005 1:20 PM  
Blogger Sylvana said...

I can be crass too, I've even been told that, but she was a bitch, so I don't take it to heart.
Yeah, "The F-word" is another gem I find annoying. "Fudge" is cute, "F-word" is just plain grating.
I found your blog from Last Nail comments.

4/22/2005 2:31 PM  
Blogger girlspit said...

The English-speaking world has somehow secretly agreed to be offended or shocked by certain words, and that's the crux of it.

Your parents teach you, "No, that's a bad word." So, for the rest of your life it's a bad word.

If we let toddlers curse like sailors, eventually no one's eyeballs would bulge at the f-word.

I say, let your three-year-old keep calling you an ass-hat, what's the harm?

4/25/2005 5:41 PM  
Blogger courtney said...

i have a trash mouth, and i'm not ashamed to admit it. of course i try to refrain from it in certain situations ie: church, baby showers, hospital visits, etc.



4/26/2005 10:08 AM  

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