Monday, April 18, 2005


Wow, I had one visitor already! And she left a comment! I was just giddy over that, lol. I have no idea why that made me so happy, but it did.

Wait... I got on here, in a foul mood cause someone pissed me off and I was going to rant and rave. THEN, I see I had a comment left, and it stole some of my angst! I'll have to get it back I guess. As soon as I start talking about it, I'm sure I'll be equally pissed again.

To be more precise, I'm not pissed off at someone in particular.. I'm irritated by prejudice. No, I'm not talking about race, creed, religion, sexual orientation... Nothing so grandiose. I am however, talking about peoples stupidity. I'll get to the prejudice in a minute... a little background first. Anyone out there know what the #1 killer of Americans is? Heart disease. Hands down, nothing else even comes close. It is an absolutely wicked beast that shows no mercy on us, we have many preventions, some cures, and yet it wipes us out by the millions. Ok, second question.... anyone know what the #1 cause of heart disease is? Obesity. In general it's our diet, lack of exercise, and simply being overweight as a nation. ALOT overweight.

Ok, I work in the medical field... I'm no saint. I don't hit the gym everyday (translates to never), I like Taco Bell as much as the next person, I eat red meat, a salad is something I only eat as a last resort unless it has bacon on it, and I have enough bad habits to last everyone for the next 10 years. But so far my life has been ok... I'm fairly healthy, about average weight, etc.

So, I see an old friend at the C-store earlier this afternoon... It was good to see him, it had been ages since we talked last. He looked like he'd put on about 80-100 pounds, but what do I care? I certainly wasn't going to say "Dude, you got way fat since the last time I saw you!" He's the same nice guy I've known forever. So, he pays for his nachos smothered in yellow death (nacho cheese), his Ding-Dongs or whatever they were, and his Diet Coke and we walk outside together. We're shooting the bull for quite some time, caught up with each other, talked about old friends, new friends, job, family, the whole spectrum of the usual... So then I light up.

Yep, you read right. I light up the all evil cigarette and smoked it. He pipes up... "You work in a hospital, you should know those are going to kill you!" Ok, first of all.. you don't need a fuckin doctorate degree to know that... any five year old can tell me that. It's a nasty bad habit, and no one knows that as well as me. But the audacity of this guy to sit there -being all kinds of overweight, nachos and Ding-Dong's long ago stomached, dying of heart disease- and tell me that smokes will kill me? Oh it drives me crazy! We all have our bad habits, some of them just smell worse than others. Perhaps I should have said to him, "If you get any fatter, or eat any more nachos your heart is going to blow up before we finish this conversatoin!" Would that have been nice? Would that have been the proper thing to say? Would most decent people ever say such a thing? Doesn't every 5 year old know that being overweight isn't healthy? Then why is it people feel so damned obligated to point out to a smoker that they smoke, and it's not a good habit? I KNOW THAT ALREADY! We all have our faults and they are simply just a part of being human. I like many people inspite of their faults, and I certainly don't make a habit of pointing their faults out to them.

Is there really anything that won't kill you? Red meat is bad, meat in general is bad, being a vegan is bad, carbs are good, carbs are bad, trans fat, saturated fat, fast food, big meals, chocolate, TV, booze, pop, pot... And those are just the every day things! Do we all walk/run/do cardio for 30 minutes a day? America takes a prescription for everything... heaven forbid we quit eating junk food, we have a pill to lower your cholesterol. We stay up late, sleep in late... that's unhealthy as hell. Who eats 16 servings of vegetables every day? Who can even name 16 different veggies? lol. Besides, as soon as you get that kind of diet going the FDA will change their minds yet again and rearrange the entire food chart on you. We all run around in our fast paced world, stressed to the nines, with all kinds of terrible habits.

Well, smoking is mine. Eat your damn nachos and bitch about my smoking if you want to... but odds are GREATLY in favor of heart disease getting you before lung cancer gets me. I told you I'd have no trouble getting pissed again. ; )


Anonymous Anonymous said... said it and hit it right on the nose. I can't stand it when people are so quick to point the finger...whatever it may be...we are all gonna leave this and live like you wanna!! Just be happy...that was such a great post and I'm always talking about how people point out the obvious like that...duh!! Great Post!!

4/19/2005 9:51 AM  

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