Monday, April 18, 2005

Save Me

I'm gonna need some help with this blog thing... my page looks plain. How do I change that? Can I add pictures? What about links to other blogs that I like, my other blog, or websites that I favor... how do I add them? If someone wants to spend some one on one time with a virtual idiot when it comes to this stuff, feel free to leave me your email address or chat name cause I'd love some help here.

I'm thinking I should put "nude teens" or something like that in my title.. lol, then I'd get more hits on my page! JUST KIDDING. It's probably not a bad idea though, so maybe you should try it and see if it works for you. I have a photo blog that I'll get around to linking up with this page soon enough.. I don't say much in it, but I sure like my pictures. For a few months I haven't updated it, but I have a hard drive full of pictures that would just love to get posted. Soon.

I haven't browsed other blogs on yet.. I need to see what else is out there. I'm not sure how to browse the blogs yet. Do I seem like a complete non-techy? I don't know.. I'm usually ok at figuring this kind of stuff out but this site isn't as user friendly as I would have thought. It's simple to be sure, but I think that I'm missing a lot that it offers. Any HTML editing is way above my head for sure.

You know what else I want? I'd love for people to argue with me, agree with me, give me a topic to rant and rave about. Com'on people... let me have it.


Blogger APOO said...


You can add pictures. To your profile and also in your posts. And you can add links too. For pics, use this tool called "Hello" provided by Google. Picasa would help too but not really needed.

For links, get into your blogger account. Goto the template (by clicking on the template tag) and you can edit your HTML there. I am no pro at this, but I could get what you mentioned going well on my blog.

If you have more questions, just hit my profile and you will see an e-mail link under contact.

Good Luck!

4/18/2005 7:42 PM  
Blogger courtney said...

hey dogman.
thanks for the link to my blog. i would link you, but i'm retarded when it comes to that stuff. if you figure it out, let me know!

4/19/2005 9:54 AM  
Blogger Geo said...

Hi, neighbor!

Okay, here's a question: Talking or writing or photographing--of the three modes of expression, which works best for you, and why? And why is it important for you to spend time sharing some of who you are via the internet?

I read your whole blog, and I checked out your pictures (and like dthem, particularly some of your sky-fascination shots and the sparkler guys.) I wanted to know more about this DogMan who left me two nice messages in a row on my recently-neglected blogs. Thanks for your generous words. They were really encouraging, 'specially since I've been toying with the idea of abandoning my blogging habit for a while. Maybe I won't. It's always a little refresher to get positive comments.

Keep up your writing! It's good for you (and the rest of us)!

4/20/2005 10:45 AM  
Blogger Dogman said...

WOW! I love responses -everyones responses both good and bad- from critisism, to agreement, to just saying hi, or the techy exchange, but... Geo's however made me sit back for a minute and think. ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! I was going to reply to it in comments but I think I'll post it and reply there. And here I came to my laptop with something to really rant about today.. and Geo sidetracked me. As I've said before though, I doubt I'll lose my angst on my new subject cause once I get talking about it, I'll get plenty wound up again.

4/20/2005 11:41 AM  

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