Monday, April 18, 2005

Privacy. Not To Much To Ask Is It?

Hmmm. Now that I'm here, I'm not sure what to say. I'm not often short on words, so it's an awkward moment for me. I guess I'm making this blog so I can rant and rave about all that's screwed up in the world. If I listed all the things that piss me off, drive me crazy, intrigue me, or just get something off my chest, I'd never leave my computer.

What I'd really like is for people to leave a few posts, ask a few questions, tell me what they think about... and I'll respond. I'm hoping for a lot of responses to anything I post, otherwise this will bore the hell out of me awfully quick. So if you're here, and you read this, please leave a remark even if it's nothing more than saying you were here.

I just checked my email a few minutes ago, and there was a virus attached to one of my messages! I loathe the people who do that. Who are these people that have nothing better to do than try and destroy my computer? Where's the the thrill in this for them? There are a million so-called "evil" things in this world that I can think of to do that actually have a point to it! My friend got the same email and had written me to warn me that I'd have it in my inbox as well (of course I read the virus email before his, lol) and he mentioned that he really hoped there was a special place in Hell for the people who do this. I concur.

That guy who was convicted of spamming got sentenced to 9 years last week... I found that to be quite humorous. Now we just need to get them all, and start on the people who send junk mail to my house (via snail mail) and the world will be a much better place. Is junk mail really that effective? How often does anyone actually open a letter or email from an unsolicited source, read it, and actually buy into whatever "deal of a life-time " is being offered? There must be money in it, or it wouldn't happen... but I just don't see it. Does anyone have any marketing experience with this? There's got to be someone out there in-the-know about the whys and hows of all this junk mail.

The "do not call" list was certainly a huge step forward for mankind... right up there with traveling to the moon if you ask me. (Oh, that would be a fun topic if I could get plenty of feedback on it... Did anyone really go to the moon? Do you know people who don't believe that it's happened? Have you heard the arguments that it was simply a government produced hoax? Some say that's about the craziest conspiracy theory there is, others are convinced it never happened. I've heard the con arguments, and they aren't that bad... it's interesting to be sure.) ANYWAY..... My home phone certainly has been a much more pleasant item since the do not call list came out. I wish we'd make a few more "do not bug me about your stupid scheme, I'm not interested, and I hope you burn in Hell" lists.

This whole privacy thing is getting out of control anyway.... it seems that every day in the news some company somewhere has lost, leaked, or has had stolen a bunch of personal information. That, drives me nuts. It's not their personal information!!!!!!! It's mine damnit! and I want it back! I was talking to a friend the other day, telling her that when I started college a few years back, it wasn't a week after I registered that I started to get all kinds of mail and phone calls about student housing, student loans, student rates on credit cards, college money from the Army, just a plethora of things.... That so pissed me off. They sold my name, address, and phone number.

Think about what I just said.... THEY SOLD MY NAME. The keyword there being "my." How does one sell something that is mine? One day, I'm going to find me a smart lawyer, one who's shrewd enough to pull it off, and I'm going to sue the hell out of someone for selling something that belongs to me! I mean, really, if someone showed up on my front door and informed me that they had just bought my house from someone else who didn't own it... would that be any different? You can't sell my house cause it's mine.. I own it. I paid for it. So why can you sell my name, my email, my phone number, or my physical address? I pay alot of money each month, for my phone numbers and email address... I PAY FOR THEM, THEREFORE I OWN THEM! At the very least I'm renting them and have some rights! Same with my physical address, that cost me upwards of 100k! That's a fair chunk of change isn't it? As for my name... well, I realize that's a little different. I didn't pay for that, but certainly I own it as well... My mother gave it to me after all. I have a little certificate even stating as much, a legal document, issued by the state, saying that it is MY name.

There are companies who's entire business is built on selling personal information. These are not just little shops around the corner in some dark lit alley, with shadey wannabe private detectives.... These are multibillion dollar corporatioins who have contracts with everyone from the government, to every spam-is-us firm, to divorce lawyers. These are publicly traded corporations... Legal. Can you believe that? Its fuckin legal to sell something that doesn't belong to you! Go figure.

One day... One day I'm going to actually do it. It's a matter of just finding someone crazy enough to go along with my idea, and not charging me a lot do do it! lol.

See, I told you that I didn't usually lack for words... This started cause I was bent about getting an email virus and look where it ended! Honestly, I had to stop myself or I would have went on for days. Please... Leave remarks, say hi, tell me to go to hell, whatever.... just say something when you get here.


Blogger SingleAgain said...

i stopped by.....hope you do the same to me.

4/18/2005 10:39 AM  

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