Friday, April 29, 2005

Entertainment Value vs. Entertainment Values

I posted yesterday from my cell phone, I wasn't sure if it would work or not. Obviously it did. I'm kinda bummed I haven't had anyone reply to my post about Series 60 phones. I really have an addiction to finding new programs for that thing.. I wonder if they have like a Nokia Addicts Anonymous where I could get some help breaking my habit. lol.

Speaking of my cell phone... I get 'alerts' on it. These alerts range from weather forecasts, ski reports, breaking news, AMBER alerts, sports scores, etc. I get a billion of them. With my busy schedule, it's about my only chance to get the news or keep up with my favorite teams. One of the categories of alerts is "entertainment." This morning (and many other mornings), under the entertainment category was a little tidbit about the Michael Jackson trial.

Does that strike anyone else as twisted that something like that falls into the category of entertainment? Either one of two things happened here. Either Jackson did it, and a little boy was molested. Or, he didn't do it and some parents are not only destroying Jackson's life, but their own child's for the sake of a few dollars, fame, or whatever their motives. Both are equally tragic. I have no opinion one way or the other on innocence or guilt.. either scenario is equally likely if you ask me.

However, when did the destruction of someones life start falling into the entertainment category? We live in a sad world when a story such as this attracts us by the millions, where it makes headlines -not for the tragedy of it, but the entertainment- of tabloids, mainstream media, and every other source of information. And we all can say that it's not us who it amuses, but it's gotta be someone, because they don't put that stuff out there unless the public is buying it. That's the sad truth, it's our fault.


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